Friday, 30 December 2011

Open Text's Canada Flag

This was painted last summer on a beautiful, sunny, and warm day, right in front of the Open Text office in Waterloo (Ontario, Canada). This was fun to paint because the employees who work inside the building would come over, talk to me and point out where their office was. My teacher (Jody Joseph) had asked us to paint a flag outdoors for homework. The flag at first looked great because it was windy but after about an hour the wind died down so I kinda had to paint the flag from memory.

Thanks for reading this and cheers!

13"x17.5" Acrylic on TerraSkin / $100 (includes free shipping worldwide)


  1. Thanks Jen. I was actually thinking of you while I was painting this. I kept reminding myself to handle the paint the same way you would when you paint urban landscapes. Your urban landscape work makes me drool!
